vendredi 28 mai 2010

I move in Slow motion

"I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. "

What I like

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow.”

Shoes+Color+Creativity=Your style

I wish I was a raindrop

"She had found her own to fall with; her own to fall for"

10 minutes have change my life, the 10 more beautiful minutes, it could be stupid but nobody can imagine how much I cry.

I can watch it for the 100th times it's would be the same,it's breath-taking, goosebumps.

You can close your eyes and just listen.

When I want to escape from the world I just close my eyes and listen to this.

I know that it's stupid but I don't care.

For me they are more than artists

I am what I am

You have to make another step
Je suis une jeune fille, un peu folle, qui pleure en écoutant de la musique, qui passe sa vie vissée sur ses écouteurs, qui imagine beaucoup trop, qui écrit en anglais parce que ça fait classe, qui aimerait bien être une artiste mais qui n'y arrive pas, qui n'a pas de but dans sa vie,...

e toute façon tout le monde s'en fout et c'est tant mieux.

u'est-ce que je fais là ? Je sais pas trop, je laisse un trace de moi, de ce que j'aime,de ce qui m'a marqué, .. un jardin secret, un monde où j'aimerais bien vivre, un monde inutile et impossible

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”